15 days ago
– Mon, Feb 03, 2025 at 09:57:42 AM
I would like to thank everyone for your patience and forbearance with the delays we have experienced.
This being said the long wait is finally over!
The publisher has delivered the books and data cards and we have begun the shipping process.
Over the next two weeks ALL the pledges will be sent out and you can expect to see your miniatures and books arrive at your doorstep, mailbox, cave entrance or secret lair.
The Abby Normal Team
25 days ago
– Fri, Jan 24, 2025 at 10:59:37 AM
We have just received confirmation the books and cards have arrived in port and should be picked up on Monday 27 January. This should put them in our hands by the end of next week baring delays due to the California wild fires.
After reviewing the delivery the books and cards will be put in your various boxes and the final shipments will commence.
We at Abby Normal are grateful for all of your support on this journey and look forward to hearing all about your battles and seeing pictures of your armies.
-Abby Normal
Updated North American Shipping
3 months ago
– Thu, Nov 21, 2024 at 10:53:33 PM
We have been in constant contact with the book printers and they have given us an updated timeframe for the delivery of the books and cards.
December 10 - bulk ready
December 16 - ETD
January 17 - ETA, Stateside
This is later than our anticipated November delivery window.
I know this is not what any of us wanted and how disappointed all of our backers will be at this news and I accept responsibility for the us having to push the delivery to mid January.
We had the option of mailing out the miniatures now, in November, but that would require us mailing out the bulk of our shipping into waves which would significantly increase the delivery costs. Internally we had this as an option but a change to US shipping regulations would not allow us to ship the cards and book together without significantly increase the costs, costs we did not want to push onto our backers.
We are grateful for the patience and understanding of our backers with this news. We will continue to work with the printers and do what we can to get the books and cards delivered as soon as possible.
United Kingdom & Europe Shipping
3 months ago
– Sat, Nov 09, 2024 at 06:36:44 AM
After discussing it with the team, and due to shipping times and the few number of backers in the EU and UK we have decided to ship the miniatures out to the European and United Kingdom backers. They will receive their Rule Books and Data Cards the same time as everyone else but we wanted to get their miniatures out the door now.
So if you are a backer or late pledge from Europe or the United Kingdom keep your eyes peeled for your pledges to arrive soon.
For North American backers we will be shipping your complete pledge when the Rule Books and Data Cards arrive from the printer. We are expecting updated arrival dates of those items next week.
Almost Ready To Ship
3 months ago
– Wed, Nov 06, 2024 at 04:36:16 PM
I am sure many of you are anxious to receive your Return of the Tripods miniatures so you can begin to play. The manufacturing of the miniatures is done and the packing is almost complete.
The only thing we are waiting on is for the Data Cards and the Rule Books to arrive from the printer. As soon as they arrive we can place then in the boxes and ship them out.
We will keep you all informed of the progress of the book and data cards as we get it. We are in constant communication with the printers and asking for continual updates.